Free Topical Sermons provide a succinct overview of a topical sermon and how to prepare a topical sermon. Usually, a topical sermon teaches a spiritual truth or biblical principle.

Topical sermons usually convey a spiritual truth or biblical principle.
For example, you may want to preach on the subjects of righteousness, holiness, prayer, faith, truth, grace, hope, peace, love, endurance, spiritual battles, creation, revelation, gospel, and so forth.
A topical sermon is a great way to proclaim a spiritual truth or biblical principle.
First, you need to choose a topic or a subject you want to preach. Once you have chosen the topic or subject, you will need to work an angle or perspective to the topic or subject.
If you decide to preach on the topic of prayer, you may develop your sermon around the different types of prayer or you may look at the different aspects to prayer.
If you decide to preach on the subject of the cross, your may look at the cross words of Calvary or you may look at why the cross!
Whatever subject you preach, you need to develop an angle or perspective to your topic or subject.
Topical Sermon Structure
There are several ways to construct a topical sermon. However, I usually keep three structural features in mind when I am writing topical sermons.
1. Topic or main preaching point
I usually develop a topic or main preaching point from an angle or perspective that helps proclaim a spiritual truth or biblical principle.
I work with this topic or main preaching point until I feel it’s right. In the topical sermon above, the topic or main preaching point is: Standing Firm in Spiritual Battle!
2. Hinge word or key word
Once I get the topic or main preaching point right, I look for a hinge word or key word to swing the sub-points from the topic or main preaching point. The hinge word must be a plural noun.
In the topical sermon above, the hinge word is weapons. There are seven weapons to help you stand firm in spiritual battle. The first weapon is… the second weapon is… the third weapon is… and so forth!
3. Sub-points and incidental points
The sub-points expand and explain the main preaching point. By doing this, the topical sermon has cohesion and sequence. The sermon flows from and interacts with the main preaching point.
As I said before, there are several ways to develop a topical sermon. However, I like writing sermons by keeping in mind the three structural features that I have mentioned above.
Free Topical Sermons
Sermons on Faith look at the topical of faith in Jesus Christ. Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Sermons on Grace is a topical sermon that looks at the Grace of God. It asks a very important question: Is the Grace of God Sufficient? Is the Grace of God sufficient to save me from my sin?
Sermons on Prayer look at the different types of prayer – adoration, confession, thankfulness and supplications. This sermon looks at prayer from a different perspective – prayer as change!
Sermons on Repentance look at the forgotten message of repentance. Biblical repentance is turning from sin to faith in Jesus Christ as the way, the truth and the life.
Sermons on the Last Days expand and explain a passage of Scripture from 2 Timothy 3:1-9, which looks at the changing nature of our world.
Sermons on Temptation deal with the topical of temptation. This particular topical sermon looks at ways to resist deadly temptation.
Spiritual Warfare are the battles we face with the devil, the world and the old sinful nature.
Standing Firm in Spiritual Battle: Standing Firm in Spiritual Battle is a collection of spiritual weapons for spiritual battle.
Related Resources For Free Topical Sermons
Free Topical Sermons will help you understand what is a topical sermon and how to write a topical sermon.
Hermeneutics is a set of principles that is used to determine the meaning of the biblical text under investigation. Understanding hermeneutics is paramount in developing a consistency in the interpretation of Scripture.
Homiletics is the art of preaching. It involves how to prepare and deliver a sermon.
Further Resources For Free Topical Sermons
Chapell Bryan, 1994, Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Koller Charles W, 1995, How To Preach Without Notes, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids Michigan.
Braga James, 1981, How To Prepare Bible Messages, Multnomah Press, Portland, Oregon.