How To Preach A Sermon is a brief outline of a sermon from 2 Timothy 3:16-17 with introductory content, sermon body content and a brief summary content for the conclusion.

How to Preach A Sermon
Have you ever received a trophy – a trophy for some achievement?
If you have, you may have placed it on a self, a place of prominence or a place where it can be seen.
Ever time you see it, you admire it. Sometimes you actually take hold of it and reminisce.
As you reminisce, you notice that it is covered in dust. You dust it off, put it back on the shelf and off you go doing what you were doing before.
Sometimes, we can treat the Bible like a trophy, a trophy that we place on the shelf of our life.
When we see it, we admire it. Sometimes, we take hold of it and read it and reminisce eventually placing it again on the shelf of our life.
God’s word is not a trophy, a trophy to be placed on the shelf of our life.
Instead, God’s word is the sword of the Spirit. It is a defensive and offensive weapon.
When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness, Jesus defended Himself by the word of God. It is written … it is written!!
That’s powerful stuff!!!
Why is God’s word a powerful tool in the hands of a Christian?
1. The Bible is Inspired (2 Timothy 3:16a)
Look at the beginning of verse 16, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God”
God’s word is inspired. There is no other word like God’s word.
You can read a Christian novel, you can read a theological book; however, it is not the same as reading God’s word.
God’s word can do things in your life that no other word can do. Think about this:
God’s word can cut to the heart (Acts 2:38-41)
God’s word reveals the heart (Hebrews 4:12-13)
The second reason God’s word is a powerful tool in the hands of a Christian is because …
2. The Bible is profitable (2 Timothy 3:16b)
Look at verse 16 again, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable”
What is God’s word profitable for?
- It establishes a right belief (2 Timothy 3:16c)
- It establishes a right behavior (2 Timothy 3:16d)
The third reason God’s word is a powerful tool in the hands of a Christian is because …
3. The Bible is dependable (2 Timothy 3:17)
There are two reason why God’s word is dependable. They are:
- God’s word bring you to maturity (2 Timothy 3:17a)
- God’s word equips you for Christian service (2 Timothy 3:17b)
God’s word is powerful because it is inspired, it is profitable and it is dependable.
Resources For How To Preach A Sermon
Sermon structure is an important part of preaching a sermon well. You can find more information on sermon structure which will help you with How To Preach a Sermon!
Further Resources For How To Preach A Sermon
Christ-Centered Preaching by Bryan Chapell (Check it out at Amazon Books)
How To Preach Without Notes by Charles W. Koller (Check it out at Amazon Books)
How To Prepare Bible MessagesJames Braga (Check it out at Amazon Books)